Gepubliceerd op woensdag 1 juli 2009
IEF 8019
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CIER- lezing Chuck McManis

Ter herinnering: Vanmiddag 16.00u CIER lezing van Chuck McManis. “Een uitgelezen kans om met deze Amerikaanse IP coryfee van gedachte te wisselen over o.a. The Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) en het Nederlandse rapport van TNO, SEO en IViR,  Ups and downs, economische gevolgen van file sharing voor muziek, films en games. Incl. NOVA punten. De welbekende CIER borrel is na afloop.”

CIER-Lecture by Charles McManis; Thomas and Karole Green Professor of Law, Director of the Intellectual Property and Technology Law Program and Co-Director of the Center for Law, Innovation & Economic Growth -  Washington University.

Date: 1 July 2009, Place: Molengraaf Instituut; Nobelstraat 2a, Utrecht.

ACTA: The Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement.  In this CIER-lecture the proposed Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) will be discussed. McManis will examine the apparent objectives of this agreement and critique the empirical assumptions underlying.
Part of the presentation refers to the recent comprehensive empirical study on digital downloading commissioned by the Dutch government.

This study, going by the title "Ups and downs. Economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, film and games" (Ups and downs, economische gevolgen van file sharing voor muziek, films en games), was carried out by the ad-hoc consortium of TNO Informatie- en communicatietechnologie, SEO Economisch onderzoek and the Institute for Information Law (IvIR) for the Dutch ministry's of Economic affairs (EZ), Education (OCW) and Justice (Justitie).

The lecture will start at 16.00 hours and ends at 18.00 hours. Subsequently, the Centre for Intellectual Property Law will be happy to invite you for a drink and a talk at the Institute. No entry-fees are charged. Please register with Ellen Alferink, or by phone: 030 - 253 7723. 2 NOVA-points will be awarded.