Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 januari 2012
IEF 10758
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IGIR IPKM Expert Lecture Series and Round Table Events

The IGIR Expert Lecture Series and Round Table Events at Maastricht University Faculty of Law are offered to keep you up to speed on the latest developments in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management. The activities are complementary to the  Advanced Masters Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management (IPKM) offered at Maastricht University.

The IPKM Expert Lecture series will be provided by a.o. Ernst Numann, Ramond Nimmer, Gerard Pannekoek, Loek Penders, professor Madeleine de Cock Buning, professor Shin-Yi Peng.

Registration, Time and  Location
Access to the IGIR IPKM Expert Lecture Series is free of charge, but please register.
• Register with: Ms. Sophie Janssen,
• Location: Feestzaal, Maastricht University Faculty of Law, Bouillonstraat 1-3 Maastricht

IPKM Expert Lecture Series
A luminary in the field of Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management will be elaborating on her or his career and the challenges faced in her or his current work. This is then exemplified by an interactive session on a current topic in the field.
13/1 17:30 hrs. Ernst Numann, Dutch Supreme Court, Appeals in IP Cases
23/1 16:00 hrs. Raymond Nimmer, University of Houston Law Center, Protecting Creative Content in a Digital World
27/1 16:30 hrs. Gerard Pannekoek, IPXI Holdings, Towards Transparency and Efficiency in Patent Monetization &
Loek Penders, Head of IP AkzoNobel, Protecting Trade Secrets
2/2 16:00 hrs. Prof. Madeleine de Cock Buning, Commissioner for Media,  Recent developments in European media law &
Discussant: Prof. Shin-Yi Peng, NTHU, Taiwan, Asian developments

IPKM Round Table Events
A group of IP experts will engage in a free and frank exchange of views on a topical or controversial issue in the field of IP law and knowledge management. Round table events are conducted under Chatham House rules, meaning that you are free to utilize all information disseminated, but at no point should you attribute statements to a specific individual.
Please reserve in your diary:
23/3 16:00-19:00 Expert Round Table on New Models of Copyright in the Age of File Sharing
13/4 13:00-16:00  Expert Round Table on Patent Reform in the USA