Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 augustus 2015
IEF 15160
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In de tijdschriften juli 2015

Hieronder een selectie van de hoofdartikelen uit de vakbladen van deze maand, mede mogelijk gemaakt door Praktijkgebied (ook via Legal Intelligence of Rechtsorde), voor de losse tijdschriftensites dient u apart in te loggen:




Mediaforum 2015-5


Informatie aanvragen

Matthias Leistner
Copyright at the interface between EU law and national law: definition of “work” and “right of communication to the public”

Reiner Muenker
Enforcement of unfair competition and consumer protection laws by a private business association in Germany: the Wettbewerbszentrale

F.W. Grosheide, Intellectuele Eigendom en Reclamerecht, Heksentoer
IER 2015/29: Herman Jansen/Di Fiorito
IER 2015/30: HvJ EU, 12-03-2015, nr. C-577/13: Actavis Group PTC en Actavis UK
IER 2015/31: Leo Pharma/Sandoz
IER 2015/32: Rb. Overijssel, 31-03-2015, nr. C/08/166774 / KG ZA 15-10
IER 2015/33: Nemzeti Fogyasztóvédelmi Hatóság/UPC Magyarország Kft.
IER 2015/34: (Trento Sviluppo, Centrale Adriatica/AGCM)
IER 2015/35: (Garmin/TomTom)
IER 2015/36: (

IP in Review
Jay Sanderson
An information environmental manifesto

Míchel Olmedo Cuevas
So close, yet so far

Aurelia J. Schultz
Not just for academics …

Molly Stech
Naming opportunities

Current Intelligence
Select this article
Andrew Moir and Grace Pead
Patents: Infringing British Telecommunications granted disclosure of patentee's licence documents before damages inquiry

Kirsten Toft
Trade marks: The EU General Court provides guidance on own name, unfair advantage and late evidence in trade mark proceedings

Birgit Clark
Trade marks: Acronyms within composite marks and the question of likelihood of confusion

Michele Giannino
Trade marks: Does a cover band's use of a singer's first name infringe trade mark rights in a celebrity's name?

Nina O'Sullivan
Trade marks: ASOS successfully relies on ‘own name’ defence in Court of Appeal

Eleonora Rosati
Copyright: Unauthorized hyperlinks to live TV broadcasts not infringements under the InfoSoc Directive

Jesse Gleeson and Annie Zheng
Copyright: Live streaming and copyright: are there visual images and sounds embodied in an audiovisual signal?

Eleonora Rosati
Copyright: High Court issues blocking order against Popcorn Time

Ben Challis
Copyright: More ‘Blurred Lines’ when it comes to writing songs?

Emir Crowne and Adrian Werkowski
General: First comprehensive review of metatag liability by a Canadian court

Bill Batchelor and Luca Montani
Exhaustion, essential subject matter and other CJEU judicial tools to update copyright for an online economy

Gino van Roeyen and Denise Verdoold
A Dutch bankruptcy: how does it affect intellectual property, licensors and licensees?

J. Gregory Sidak
FRAND in India: The Delhi High Court's emerging jurisprudence on royalties for standard-essential patents OPEN ACCESS CC-BY

Dan Prud'homme
China's shifting patent landscape and State-led patenting strategy

F**k de K**g
Tim Vis
Herziening van het strafrecht over groepsbelediging en haatzaaien
Marloes van Noorloos
Nr. 16 HR 31 maart 2015, Strafzaak AIVD-bron m.nt. W.F. Korthals Altes
Nr. 17 HvJEU 16 april 2015, Telefonia Dialog/T-Mobile Polska m.nt. S.J.H. Gijrath
Nr. 18 HR 16 december 2014, Strafzaak groepsbelediging, aanzetten tot discriminatie