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Gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 februari 2007
IEF 3556
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kidr.bmpO.a. het goed geïnformeerde Intellectual Property Watch (de Wipo-watchers van de IE-wereld) bericht over de dubbele geboortedatum van WIPO roerganger Dr. Kamil Idris:

“Over the past 24 years, World Intellectual Property Organization Director General Kamil Idris repeatedly signed official documents showing his birth date to be nine years earlier than it is, and may have moved up the ranks at WIPO based on the error, according to the report of an independent internal WIPO investigation.

At least 12 official UN travel and identification documents issued for, and signed by, Idris since 1983 showed his birth date as 26 August 1945, according a copy of the confidential report obtained by Intellectual Property Watch. But Idris moved last year to change WIPO records to show he was actually born on 26 August 1954.

The report was prepared by the WIPO Internal Audit and Oversight Division at the request of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit in June 2006, after press reports that Idris’ age had been changed in the UN system. The report was dated 29 November. It is unclear what, if any, action WIPO member states may take as a result of this report, according to government sources.

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