Gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 september 2005
Ondertussen in Bulgarije
De opmars van Nederlands meest zichtbare exportproduct Big Brother in Oost-Europa verloopt niet overal even vlotjes. Na eerdere strubbelingen in Kroatië, Hongarije, Tsjechië en Slowakije (hier), bericht Sofia News Agency: "Bulgaria's second season of the Big Brother show threatened with a lawsuit over copyright. Georgi Iliev, a publisher of sensation newspapers, claimed that he has owned the Big Brother brand in Bulgaria since September 1. That was four months before the Dutch producers of the show applied for a license. He had declared plans to use the name Big Brother for a television show and a newspaper. Iliev's message to the media said that he would have to start legal action against the 'theft.' Lees hier iets meer.