Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 30 november 2012
IEF 12075
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Publieke EU-consultatie: civiele handhaving van IPRs

DG Internal Market and Services Unit D.3 – Fight against counterfeiting and piracy, consultation document, ´Civil enforcement of intellectual property rights: public consultation on the efficiency of proceedings and accessibility of measures´, 30 november 2012 - 30 march 2013.

Verzoek. This technical survey aims at gathering specific information on the efficiency of proceedings and accessibility of measures used in the context of civil enforcement of intellectual property rights. These data will enable Commission to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the functionality of civil enforcement systems put in place in the Member States in order to improve the situation of all the actors active in the innovative sectors of European economy.

How to submit your contribution
In order to submit your contribution, please follow the procedure below:

This registration procedure is aimed at facilitating the filling in of the survey, as it provides the possibility to save a draft version of your contribution. Please note that the registration is not automatic; once we receive your request for registration, generated by the Registration Form, we will send you an e-mail with a personalised link to the survey.

Received contributions will be published on the Internet. It is important to read the specific privacy statement attached to this consultation for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with. [red. meer informatie]

From 30.11.2012 to 30.03.2013.