Verontrustende parallellen
Uitgebreide open brief van WIPO-staff aan Dr. Kail Idris, Directeur-Generaal WIPO: “It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen”. As in George Orwell’s “1984? the clocks at WIPO are striking 13:00, permanently. Your “brothers and sisters", as you like to call your staff have come to recognize their Big Brother in the disturbing parallels with the Republic of Oceania, which your actions and pronouncements as well as those of your closest advisors exhibit. You have certainly read 1984, Mr. Director General. In it Orwell, some 60 years ago, heaped scorn on oligarchic and totalitarian ideologies and pointed out their customs: Thought control, massive planning, cleverly stage-managed events, intimidation and constant pressure, muzzling of dissent, propaganda and constant disinformation, etc. All of this can be found at WIPO. And we are not fooled by your latest manoeuvre: holding early elections. Didn’t you tell us two weeks ago: “I will never resign"? While thumping the table.