Gepubliceerd op donderdag 20 april 2006
IEF 1951
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Ook m.b.t. werelddagen blijkt er zoiets als concurrentie te bestaan. Naast World IP Day op 26 april (Meer over de Wereld IE Dag-borrel hier) bestaat er ook nog zoiets als de World Book and Copyright Day, op 23 April:  

"By celebrating this Day throughout the world, UNESCO seeks to promote reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual property through copyright. 23 April: a symbolic date for world literature for on this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. It is also the date of birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, K.Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mejía Vallejo. It was a natural choice for UNESCO's General Conference to pay a world-wide tribute to books and authors on this date, encouraging everyone, and in particular young people, to discover the pleasure of reading and gain a renewed respect for the irreplaceable contributions of those who have furthered the social and cultural progress of humanity."

Lees hier meer.