Gepubliceerd op maandag 15 december 2008
IEF 7407
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HvJ EG, 11 december 2008, zaak C-57/08, Gateway, Inc. tegen OHIM /  Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH (Nederlandse vertaling nog niet beschikbaar)

Gemeenschapsmerkenrecht. Oppositiezaak bereikt het Hof van Justitie. Oppositie op basis van Gateway’s oudere merken met het woordbestanddeel ‘GATEWAY’  tegen Gemeenschapswoordmerkaanvraag voor ‘ACTIVY Media Gateway’ (computers e.d.).  GvEA achtte merken en teken niet overeenstemmend en wees de oppositie af. HvJ volgt de (feitelijke) redenering van het Gerecht en verwerpt het beroep van Gateway.   Weinig nieuws.

“53. Although it is true, as is stated in paragraph 32 of Medion, that the finding that there is a likelihood of confusion should not be subject to the condition that the overall impression produced by the composite sign be dominated by the part of it which is represented by the earlier mark, it must, on the other hand, be pointed out that the signs in the present case are not similar or identical.

54. Therefore, given that, according to paragraph 51 of the judgment under appeal, there is no likelihood of confusion in the present case, the Court of First Instance did not fail to have regard to that paragraph of Medion. It follows that the third part of the first plea must be rejected as unfounded.

 (…) 56. Since the assessment of the similarities of the signs at issue led the Court of First Instance to the conclusion that the marks at issue are different, the Court was fully entitled to find, in paragraph 51 of the judgment under appeal, that it was not necessary to make apparent the degree of renown of the earlier marks which it took into consideration in that assessment.

Lees het arrest hier.