Gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 mei 2011
IEF 9701
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Proposal for a regulation of the european parliament and of the council concerning customs enforcement of intellectual property rights, COM/2011/285

Tekst nieuwe Anti-Piraterij Verordening

In navolging van de aangekondigde Blueprint voor Intellectuele Eigendomsrechten (IEF 9695) het voorstel voor de nieuwe Anti-Piraterij Verordening (EG 1383/2003). De Europese verordening inzake handhaving van intellectuele eigendomsrechten door douane (COM/2011/285), lees het voorstel hier (link).

Meer over de impact assessment en afgeronde publieke consultatieronde hier (link).


Proposal for a regulation of the european parliament and of the council concerning customs enforcement of intellectual property rights

Chapter I subject matter, scope and definitions
Chapter II  applications for action by the customs authorities
section 1  submission of applications for action
section 2  decisions on applications for action
Chapter III provisions governing action by the customs authorities
section 1  suspension of the release or detention of goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right
section 2  initiation of proceedings and anticipated release of goods
section 3  counterfeit and pirated goods
Chapter IV liability, costs and penalties
Chapter V committee, delegation and final provisions

Lees het voorstel hier (link).